July 1, 2015

IPv6 with over ADSL with PPP on Debian Linux using Internode

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , , , , , , , — James Bunton @ 12:00 am

Many years ago Internode started offering IPv6. This is proper dual stack IPv6 with a /56 block of addresses. I get 256 subnets, each with 2^64 addresses. Awesome! I signed on for the trial immediately and got it working without too much difficulty. The documentation wasn’t great though, so here’s how I my setup works today.


January 16, 2014

Bluetooth Audio A2DP Receiver with Raspberry Pi

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , , , , — James Bunton @ 10:34 am

My latest project was to have wireless audio streaming from my Symbian mobile phone over Bluetooth to a a new set of speakers. I used PulseAudio, Bluez5 and Arch Linux running on a Raspberry Pi. It all works really well. I can connect/disconnect from the phone and everything is automatically started on boot. I’m enjoying it now as I type this.

Update 2017-03-05: hciconfig is deprecated
