January 2, 2011

Announcing NotiPod

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , , — James Bunton @ 11:53 pm

A very small (~25KiB compressed) Python Cocoa GUI app for synchronising iTunes playlists to any folder mounted on your Mac. I use this to sync my music and playlists from iTunes on my laptop to XBMC on my lounge media pc.

See the NotiPod project page.

November 1, 2009

Nokia N97 and Apple iSync

Filed under: Technical — Tags: , , — James Bunton @ 10:09 am

I bought my Nokia N97 early July, just a few days after the Australia release. I’ve been enjoying this great device since then desspite its bugs. The most notable of which was that unlike my previous Nokia S60 it would not cooperate with iSync. Thankfully the recently released firmware update (V20.0.019) fixes this problem.
